Parenting Buzz

So what is the latest and greatest parenting buzz? Remember the days that it was okay to spank. My little behind still hurts. But now it's considered child abuse. Oh, and what about family TV night. I must have watched television at least two to three hours a day from the time I was two till I was eighteen years old. But studies now prove watching too much today can significantly affect a child's IQ.

On this page, I'll be sharing the latest and greatest parenting buzz, mostly from my own personal experience. And if you don't agree or you have a better way of parenting today, please share!

Should You Teach Your Child About The Risks of Getting Tattoos?

Does Your Tween Need A Cell Phone?

How I'm Giving Up Yelling At My Kids

Planning A Tween Paintball Birthday Party

Teaching Your Kids Positive Affirmations

Ten Things a Mom and Dad Can Learn from Their Toddler

Is Sibling Bullying a Concern?

Meet Jaws--The Most Time Devouring Plant

Should you cancel your child's piano lessons if they want to play, but not practice?

Three Meals, One dinner

Deodarant, Dirt and The Birds and The Bees--Parenting Three Tweens

I Knew This Day Would Come

How to Raise Intuitive Kids

How to Live a Balanced Life

When should you tell your child that Santa and the Toothfairy isn't real?

Boost your child's memory recall!

Study Says Overthinking Things Can Make You Sick

5 tips on helping your child find downtime

Goal setting for kids

How connected our you with your children (intuition)?

Is Your Child's Elementary School Understaffed? Panicked Mom (Me) Runs to Rescue Child From Having Asthma Attack Only To Find It Wasn't Her Kid


  1. Thank you for these links. Especially the one about telling the truth about the Toothfairy, Santa, and so on. This is such a hard topic for me because I really never intended to tell these "lies" to my children in the first place. Somehow it just happened. My deeper question has always been "If I tell them the Toothfairy, Santa, Easter Bunny, so on aren't real will they then ask me if God is real". I still don't know exactly how I will answer this question when my kids ask someday :-<

    1. Hi, I felt an overwhelming guilt telling my oldest son there wasn't a Santa. And yes, he did ask me if there was a God to. Actually all three of my elementary age kids have asked me on many occasions if there is a God because they've never seen God. I shared that God is in our hearts and is that warm loving energy in each of us that allows all of us to be good people. I try to explain he's not a physical person like us. I've mentioned that we are like caterpillars turning into butterflies when we die. We transform from earthly beings into spiritual beings like God bringing love and goodness to others. Hope that helps a little!
